Saturday, June 6, 2009


"Circumstantial" - this is another of those words I just can't for the life of me remember all the time. Not so much remember but remember the word to say it when I'm speaking. See, I'm nervous that when it comes down to saying it - "circumstantial evidence". I can write it out easy as pie now - "circumstantial, circumstantial, circumstantial, circumstantial" (i can go on forever like this but you might think I could just be pasting it in but I am really typing it each time - cross my heart - so you see what kind of idiot i can be)
It's got me tense because I'm in a trial and supposed to be doing the final argument on Monday and it's the "circumstantial evidence" that is my guy's biggest hurdle in this case and I gotta talk about it - well - I think I should - there's a lot I could say about it - or maybe not - maybe i shouldn't talk about it much - maybe i shouldn't mention it at all - that's an alternative - that would be the solution to my problem.

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