I am at Twin Towers jail waiting for my guy. Through the glass of the visiting area I see, all of a sudden, 20 deputies with helmets & shotguns & protective gear appear in the open area outside the cellblocks. And then they swoop down on the cells. I don't know what's going on. I buzz the help buzzer in the wall. A voice comes on and announces that there's going to be a delay in my client coming since there was a search being conducted. And then the voice cuts off. I'm watching the deputies running this way and that way. I'm thinking I'm the only one in the outside world watching this (there's nobody around because there's only visits for attorneys this day). And I start having a little paranoid moment. Am I supposed to be seeing this? What if I'm not? What if I was watching something they didn't want me to see? They could see me watching them. And they were pumped. I started looking away - like I wasn't watching. That felt stupid.
When they finished they all gathered in the open area outside the cells. They were lined up in formation listening to someone give them a speech. Was this a show and tell? "so & so found a shank in cellblock 3." Was it a Victory oration? "Today we made history." I couldn't hear anything because of the thick glass. I did notice how happy and excited they all looked - like they were about to break out into song.
"We are Deputy Sheriffs and we found a couple of shanks
- we're the Deputy Sheriffs & we don't expect no thanks."
I asked my client about it - he said this was a "mellow" place.
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